In order to equip Local Government Units (LGUs) with the necessary knowledge of Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS) Standards and develop technical skills in computerizing their own BPLS using the eBPLS software developed by the DICT, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) IX conducted an Orientation to the New Joint Memorandum Circular on BPLS and Promotion of the iBPLS, yesterday, October 5, 2022, via Zoom Teleconference.
The Business Permit Licensing System (BPLS) was established to reduce all government transactions and provide a set of standards for business processes. Likewise, it is also aimed towards contributing to the goal of making all cities and municipalities in the country business-friendly and adherent to the established standards of the government. This is echoed in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 which advocates for a “People-Centered, Clean, Efficient and Effective Governance”
The activity was graced by Regional Director Paisal O. Abutazil, CESO III. In his opening remarks, he highlighted the importance of BPLS in reducing the processing time of transactions and improving competitiveness and ease of doing business in the region.
Mr. Roberto Conception, Project Officer, BPLS-BPCO Focal Person of the Bureau of Local Government and Development (BLGD) discussed the ARTA-DILG-DICT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 2021 or the “Guidelines for Processing Business Permits, Related Clearances, and Licenses in all Cities and Municipalities”. On the promotion of the iBPLS, the topic was presented by iBPLS Coach, Ms. Sarah Mae Camenforte, and Information System Analyst I, Mr. Wedz-ar J. Anni of DICT IX.
Participants in the orientation were the Local Chief Executives (LCEs), City Administrators, City/Municipal Treasurers, BPLO/BPCO Officers, BFP Representatives, Representatives of the Liga ng mga Barangay, and the City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers in Zamboanga Peninsula.